Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Me-me Bow: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Friday, July 26, 2013

work in progress: dress up!

Seven more weeks of school left!!! Then I'll have some free time.... errr, I think. :P

I'm working on a little drawing of Rudy and Me-me Bow playing dress up. Everyone seems to love Rudy! She is pretty darn cute (and she knows it!)...

Back to the grind!


Monday, July 22, 2013

Dirky's ode to Totoro!

This was a quick drawing. I'm so disappointed that I made the image so small! I'll have to redo larger so it doesn't look so messy. 

I have a few sketches drawn out for comics, I just need mo' time! Only 8 more weeks of school and then I'll have more time to draw.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Still working on stuff, lots and lots of stuff..

Wow, I feel like I have so much on my plate right now! I haven't been doing much of Lil Z-bot stuff lately because school has been crazy, plus work, plus externship... you get the picture. I have my Rude Rudy script done, but I'm still trying to figure out Manga Studio. I might just just GIMP since I'm so use to it now. Hope fully I'll have some free time to do some drawings!

If you follow me on twitter or instagram, you'll know that we added to our animal family today: Pancake and Lunchbox! Don't you just love the names? Dillon and I are so strange; it shouldn't be a surprise we'd pick those names for little love birds. So far they have totally falling in love with Dillon. Me...? Not so much. Ah, well it's the first day.

Buddy meets Pancake & Lunchbox

 I was thinking about making them animal characters on Lil Z-bot. It might be fun to have more pets than just Dirky the flying dog bot. ^^

Well, I better get back to doing school work! I should make a Lil Z-bot comic strip about procrastinating. LOL.

xo, Auntie Jules

Saturday, July 6, 2013


I feel so terrible; no comics or drawings for almost a week! I wish I could just stay at home and make Lil Z-bot comics all day, but alas, I must work....and finish school. ^__^

I finally bought a real sketch book. Just a cheap $5.99 one from Michael's, but it's still better than the composition books I've been using. I also bought Manga Studio, which is a lot different from GIMP. I I hope that I can use that more as well as Photoshop Elements. I am looking for a easy program that I can self teach myself---I would love anything you guys can suggest!

So, I started a little comic sketch to introduce Bullder. Bullder is a shy bully. Is that possible? I think so; most of the bullies that were in my life where mostly shy and insecure and just didn't have good social skills. I can think of two that ended up being really great friends after they opened up and faced what really made them a bully.

This week is going to be another busy week with work, school and my practicum, but I hope to squeeze in some time to get a little comic blog posted. Stay tuned!!!
