Saturday, July 6, 2013


I feel so terrible; no comics or drawings for almost a week! I wish I could just stay at home and make Lil Z-bot comics all day, but alas, I must work....and finish school. ^__^

I finally bought a real sketch book. Just a cheap $5.99 one from Michael's, but it's still better than the composition books I've been using. I also bought Manga Studio, which is a lot different from GIMP. I I hope that I can use that more as well as Photoshop Elements. I am looking for a easy program that I can self teach myself---I would love anything you guys can suggest!

So, I started a little comic sketch to introduce Bullder. Bullder is a shy bully. Is that possible? I think so; most of the bullies that were in my life where mostly shy and insecure and just didn't have good social skills. I can think of two that ended up being really great friends after they opened up and faced what really made them a bully.

This week is going to be another busy week with work, school and my practicum, but I hope to squeeze in some time to get a little comic blog posted. Stay tuned!!!


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