Friday, May 31, 2013

Happy Friday, love M-bot

Yoohooo! Mom-bot here! I just want to wish everyone a very happy Friday! I know it has been a long week and school is almost out for the summer. Try to focused the last few days of school! You'll have plenty of time for fun and play time during summer vacation! 

Speaking of summer vacation, I hope that everyone stays safe this summer! Remember to stay hydrated, or oiled in lil Z-bot's case, put on sunscreen if you are going to play outside all day, and make sure you let your mom-bot or dad-bot know where you are at all times!

Oh, look at the time! I need to go bake some snacks for the kids!! Till next time my dears! Ciao! 


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tweet tweet tweet!

You can get updates on projects on twitter by following @lilzbot!

And make sure to follow @xoxotoki (julia) & @sabinasweetrice (sabina)


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hello, my name is: JJ-bot

Name: JJ-bot
Age: 5

Occupation: awk-u...what? Yo, I'm just a kid!

Best friend: Lil Z-bot

  Subject: music! I like to rap!
  Video game: Pac-man, my (distance) cousin is in that  game.
  Movie: Monsters Inc.
  Color: Green

Special talent: Since I'm jelly-like, I can change shapes. One time I changed into a pillow and Bullder fell asleep on me. Longest 30 minutes of my life...

You have three wishes..go! I wish I could play all day, and fly like Lil Z-bot. Oh, and I wish I was a famous rapper!!

Lil Z-bot: What do you want to be when you grow up?